A Much Needed Shed

A Much Needed Shed

It’s been a lot of work, but it’s rewarding and exciting. I moved so much stuff out of the garage that I can easily move around in there now. I even built a fabulous new workbench. Fun, fun, fun.

The shed is 16′ x 4′. There’s enough room for all the yard stuff, my bike and bike trailer (for the girls), and a bunch of other stuff that’s been in my way in the garage.

I painted it to match the house and shingled the roof. I made barn doors for 2 reasons: 1) they are just cool and 2) there isn’t much space along the path so sliding doors are much more efficient and less frustrating.

The end towards the back yard has doors that access a small area for rakes and shovels as well as some small shelves to store my outdoor decorations.

The doorway is 6′ tall because I didn’t want anyone to have to worry about hitting their head walking in and out. The back of the shed is 8′ tall because that’s how tall much of the wood is so it would be a waste of wood to make it shorter. So how could I use all of the overhead space efficiently? Well, I found a couple of ways.

  1. There’s a shelf on one end, at about 6′ high, to hold rolls of chicken wire, plastic mesh, PVC pipe… It’s a great use of space.
  2. I build a lot of stuff and have lots of random pieces of stuff leftover here and there, sometimes long pieces of PVC pipe, leftover pieces of insulation, you name it. So there’s a little door on the end leading to a long high shelf for all these random things. Another great use of space.
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