The Bunnies Have Multiplied, Oh My

The Bunnies Have Multiplied, Oh My

After the horses I though it was time for bunnies, as Easter was just around the corner. Every new animal has unique features. For the bunnies, it’s their big floppy ears.

The bunny family is all decked out for Easter.
Papa bunny, aka Maynard, is quite dapper with his pretty green bow tie, matching flat cap, and fancy pleated and cuffed dress pants.
Mama bunny, Harriet, is looking fine, although she may need to check the weather forecast. That cozy warm hat might be a bit much..
Ricky isn’t really into the sniffy vest and tie theme, like his dad. A sweatshirt will have to be good enough.
Little sis, Bridget, loves getting all gussied up. She’s wear her Sunday special hat and has her Easter basket ready. And check out her pretty new earrings.

I love using many media in my work. These guys weren’t just sewing. I knitted mama’s hat and crocheted her basket. I used needle felting for all of their noses. There’s a little beading in there too (earrings).

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